6 Weeks to Your Perfect Body

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6 weeks to your perfect body

6 Weeks to Your Perfect Body

Your perfect body may be closer than you think!

All you need is a plan, some time, and a little motivation, and you could be on your way to a perfect body in just 6 weeks!

So here’s the plan…

The 6 Week Plan for a Perfect Body

This plan incorporates my best tips for fitness and diet. Trust me, you’re never going to get the body you’re looking for unless you attack things from both angles.

So here are some general diet tips you need to follow: Cut down on the carbs (and only go for whole grains when you do eat them), cut out the unhealthy fats, reduce your salt and sugar intake, and up the veggies and protein.

One of the best things you can do is invest in a great tasting whey protein supplement like Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion. It will help you meet your protein needs throughout this 6 week plan.

This 6 week plan is broken up into 2-week periods, so you’ll be working through 3 phases in total. Each phase involves changes to your diet and fitness routine to help you get in your best shape ever! Here we go…

Phase 1 (Weeks 1 & 2) – The Prep Work

Diet: Limit your carb intake to only 3 servings a day (estimate 3 pieces of whole grain bread). Make sure you’re not skipping breakfast, and snack healthy between meals and before bed. Nuts and non-fat Greek yogurt are great options.

Fitness: Hit the gym 4-5 days a week, alternating between the following resistance training workouts: legs & shoulders, back & biceps, chest & triceps, abs & core. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Do 20 minutes of cardio before or after every workout.

Phase 2 (Weeks 3 & 4) – Bulking Up

Article Categories:
Healthy Eating

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