20 Melty, Hot, Cheesy Dips

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The Big Game is coming very soon! It’s time to figure out what you will be doing and more importantly, what you will be eating. Will you be throwing a game day party or going to one? Either way, there will be lots of delicious snacks for everyone to stuff their faces with while yelling at the TV. (Hopefully, not at the same time because that would be dangerous…make sure to swallow then yell!)

Even if you’re not a big football fan, you can always enjoy the party. I remember going to many football parties where I couldn’t care less for either team, but they are always fun. Lots of friends, lots of food and booze. What’s not to enjoy.
If you’re planning to have a gathering at your house, or if the host asked everyone to bring something to the party, you will have plenty of tasty treats to choose from here. There are so many, gooey, cheesy, flavorful dips here, you can make them all and have one heck of a blow-out. Let’s just hope the game will last long enough for everyone to have time to finish all of the Cheeseburger Dip, Queso Dip and Pizza Dip that you simply must have at the party.

20 Melty, Hot, Cheesy Dips #snack #gameday
Be sure to look through all these comforting macaroni and cheese recipes by clicking “Launch Gallery” above and below. If you want to PIN the whole collection for later, feel free to pin the collage image above!

Lyuba Brooke is a food blogger, photographer, creator and owner of a recipe website, Will Cook for Smiles. She loves spending a lot of time in her kitchen working on new and improving old recipes. Cooking is her passion and her art. Lyuba is also a mom to sweet little sous-chef and a baker-to-be.

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